
Fear Aggression in Dogs

Is your furry friend showing signs of fear aggression? Don't fret! Our expert tips and tricks will teach you how to stop it for good.


Fear aggression in dogs is a common concern for pet owners, trainers, and behaviourists. Aggressive behaviours can arise from various factors, including genetics, past negative experiences, and inadequate socialisation. By recognising body language and addressing the different types of canine aggression, we can help our furry friends live a happier and more balanced life.

Recognising Fear-Related Aggression

Body language and fearful behaviour

Dogs display fear and aggression through specific body postures and rituals of behaviour. Signs of fear of aggressive dogs may include:

  • Growling, snarling, or barking
  • Baring teeth
  • Ears pinned back
  • Raised hackles
  • Stiff body posture
  • Tail tucked between the legs
  • Dilated pupils
  • Quick, shallow breathing

Types of canine aggression

  1. Predatory Aggression - This aggression occurs when a dog's hunting instincts are triggered, usually towards smaller animals or objects.
  2. Possessive Aggression - Dogs may exhibit aggressive behaviour to protect valued resources, such as food, toys, or resting spots.
  3. Territorial Aggression - This type of aggression is displayed when a dog feels threatened by an intruder in its territory.
  4. Stranger-directed aggression - Some dogs may exhibit aggression towards unfamiliar people, especially if they have had negative experiences or traumatic interactions with people.

Preventing and Addressing Fear Aggression

The role of socialisation and exposure to types of people

Proper socialisation is essential to prevent fear aggression in dogs. Exposing your dog to various people, animals, and environments from a young age will help them build confidence and adapt to new situations. Encourage positive interactions with people, including children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.

Seeking professional help from an animal behaviourist

If your dog's fear of aggression is severe or you can't manage it independently, consult a professional animal or veterinary behaviourist. They can assess your dog's emotional response, develop a customised behaviour modification plan, and guide you through addressing the issue.

Avoiding the use of shock collars and other aversive tools

Shock collars and other aversive training methods can exacerbate fear aggression and should be avoided. Instead, use positive training techniques to reward desired behaviours and gradually desensitise your dog to its triggers.

Addressing Specific Types of Fear Aggression

Owner-directed aggression and defensive aggression

Owner-directed aggression is a form of defensive aggression where a dog displays aggressive behaviour towards their owner, typically in response to a perceived threat. Treatment for aggression in these cases involves identifying and avoiding triggers while implementing behaviour modification techniques.

Anxiety-related aggression and bad experiences

Anxiety-related aggression may occur in dogs that have had bad experiences. Behaviour modification and positive training methods can help dogs overcome these fears and reduce aggressive responses.

Dog-directed aggression and dominance aggression

Dog-directed aggression, including dominance aggression, occurs when a dog feels threatened by other dogs or seeks to establish a social hierarchy. A behaviour modification plan tailored to the dog's specific triggers and social behaviour is essential for addressing this issue.

Changing the game at chow time

Superfeedy - The Ultimate Slow Feeder Dog Bowl

As responsible pet parents, we know that you want to do everything to help. Living with a sick dog after a meal is no fun. Our two doggos, Marley and Belle, like to eat fast! So we know exactly what it's like to live with a dog in pain and discomfort after eating.

We are introducing the Ultimate, Versatile 4-in-1 Slow Feeder Dog Bowl! We're excited this new slow feeder dog bowl combines modern design with innovative functionality. It's more than just a slow feeder. A slow feeder bowl that naturally slows your dog down at chow time, as well as a reversible lick mat so your pet can enjoy a variety of delicious foods like purees, stews, or wet food. An excellent bowl for easy delicious food prep and storage doubles as a dog-friendly travel bowl for your canine adventures.

Your dog will have a happier, healthier mealtime experience giving you peace of mind.


Fear aggression in dogs can be challenging to manage, but understanding and addressing the various forms of aggression is crucial for a dog's well-being. Proper socialisation, positive training methods, and seeking professional help when needed, can significantly reduce aggressive behaviours and improve a dog's quality of life.


  1. What is the difference between fear aggression and dominance aggression?

    Fear aggression is a defensive behaviour triggered by a perceived threat, while dominance aggression is an offensive behaviour displayed to assert control or establish a social hierarchy.

  2. Can fear aggression in dogs is cured?

    While there's no one-size-fits-all solution, fear aggression can often be managed and significantly reduced with proper training, consistency, and patience.

  3. Is fear aggression more common in certain dog breeds?

    Fear aggression can be seen in any breed; however, individual temperament, genetics, and early-life experiences play a significant role in its development.

  4. Will punishment help reduce fear and aggression in dogs?

    No, punishing a dog for displaying fear and aggression can make the problem worse. Positive reinforcement and gradual desensitisation are more effective approaches.

  5. How can I tell if my dog's aggressive behaviour is fear-based or bad manners?

    Observe your dog's body language and the context of the situation. Fear aggression is often accompanied by signs of anxiety and stress, such as a tucked tail, pinned-back ears, and dilated pupils.
