
Fruits and Vegetables Your Dog Can Safely Eat

It is possible to feed dogs a variety of healthy human foods. Here are some fruit and vegetable options that are safe to give to your dog. The fruits and vegetables listed below are grouped into three categories for easy reference to determine which fruits and vegetables are safe for your dog. Dogs' digestive tracts are quite different from human beings, and eating the wrong vegetables may lead to long-term health problems for your dog. Many human foods are safe and nutritious for dogs.

Dog-Safe Fruits and Vegetables

Dog friendly vegetables

  • Apples - with their high source of vitamin A and C content, fibre, and low protein and fat content, apples are a great snack, especially for senior dogs. Cut up in cubes and serve as healthy treats for your dogs.
  • Blueberries - Full of antioxidants and fibre, blueberries are an excellent healthy treat for dogs.
  • Carrots - Carrots are great snacks for dogs because they are packed with fibre and beta-carotene, which produces an excellent source of vitamin A and keeps their teeth clean. Use a substitute treat for dogs.
  • Celery - This is a great snack to keep your dog's breath fresh, and it also contains vitamins C, B, and A, which help support the heart.
  • Cucumbers - A healthy snack for dogs, especially those with dietary restrictions, cucumbers are low in fat, oil, and carbohydrates but packed with vitamins.
  • Green beans – All types of plain beans are safe for dogs. Your dog can enjoy raw, chopped or steamed beans, which are full of fiber and vitamins. Look for canned beans that don't have salt or are low in salt.
  • Oranges - You can give your dog oranges as a tasty treat if they seem interested. Make sure the peel and seeds are removed first. Oranges have a strong smell, so they may not appeal to your dog, but if they seem interested, they are a safe treat.
  • Pears - Cut fresh pears into bite-sized chunks, minus pits and seeds, instead of canned pears in sugary syrups. Pears make a great snack as they are loaded with fibre and vitamins.
  • Pineapple - Remove the pineapple's spiky crown and peel it before feeding it to your dog. Pineapple is a great sweet treat for your doggo. The enzymes in pineapple, called bromelains, help break down proteins to make them easier to absorb for your dog.
  • Watermelon - Contains 92% water, so it's a great summer treat to help keep your dog hydrated. Try making our frozen watermelon pup-sicles on a hot summer day after removing the rind and seeds. The rind can cause digestive issues.

Here are some fruits and vegetables for dogs that are safe to eat occasionally

Dog reaching out to eat vegetables

  • Bananas - Although bananas contain vitamins such as potassium and copper, they are also high in sugar, so dogs should be given them in moderation as an occasional treat.
  • Broccoli - If you want to feed your dog broccoli, use only the florets, but limit the amount as some dogs may have gastric irritation.
  • Brussels sprouts - Brussels sprouts can be given to your dog occasionally, but be aware of the gas they can cause.
  • Cabbage - Although safe for consumption by dogs, cabbage may cause some gassiness.
  • Rockmelon - Although rockmelon is also high in sugar, it is safe for dogs. It can provide a valuable source of water and source of fiber. Still, it should be fed in moderation, especially to overweight or diabetic dogs.
  • Cranberries - The tart flavour of cranberries would be safe for your dog to eat if he likes them! The consumption of too many cranberries can cause an upset stomach, so avoid them if possible.
  • Mango - A mango is also a fruit that contains a lot of sugar. Feed your dog this summer fruit in moderation after you remove the hard pit.
  • Peaches - A fresh or frozen peach is preferable to canned peaches because canned peaches contain sugary syrups. These provide significant benefits for dogs in small doses. Whenever you share fresh peaches, cut them up and ensure the pit is completely removed.
  • Raspberry - There is a small amount of xylitol in raspberries, so your dog should not consume more than 1 cup at a time. In addition to their anti-inflammatory properties and health benefits, raspberries are a good snack for senior dogs, who may experience joint pain due to arthritis. Giving your dog raspberry as an occasional treat is fine.
  • Strawberries - Strawberries contain fibre and vitamin C. Still, because of their high sugar content, you should provide them only in moderation as a healthy treat for dogs.
  • Peas - It's safe for your dog to eat peas of any type, and they also contain fibre and protein. Fresh or frozen peas are preferred. Canned peas often contain sodium and should be avoided.

Dogs Should Not Eat The Following Fruits and Vegetables

Dogs should not eat grapes

  • Asparagus - Although asparagus is not toxic to dogs, it is not suitable to give them raw since it is too tough for them to eat. By cooking it, it loses all of its nutrients.
  • Avocado - Just because you like avocado on toast doesn't mean you should share it with your dog. A dog may experience vomiting, stomach upset, and diarrhea after eating avocados since avocados contain persin.
  • Cherry - You should never give your dog cherries as cherries contain cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Some signs of cyanide poisoning are red gums, difficulty breathing, and dilated pupils.
  • Chives - Avoid giving your dog anything with chives in it, as chives are related to onions and leeks and may cause a severe upset stomach.
  • Grapes - Fresh and dried grapes (raisins) are incredibly toxic for dogs, causing acute sudden kidney failure or kidney issues.
  • Tomatoes - Avoid feeding tomatoes to your dog because they contain solanine, a highly toxic substance in the green, unripe parts of the fruit.
  • Leeks - Like chives and onions, leeks are super toxic for dogs.
  • Mushrooms - Dogs should avoid mushrooms (any mushrooms, even wild mushrooms) altogether, even though some species are safe. Some species can cause permanent damage or death if they are toxic.
  • Onions - Onions are incredibly toxic to dogs and, if ingested, can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and even cause your dog's red blood cells to burst.
  • Rhubarb - Although the stems of the rhubarb plant are edible, its leaves have a poisonous effect on dogs, so the plant should be avoided.
  • Spinach - The excessive consumption of spinach can cause kidney damage in dogs, so it is best to avoid it.


In conclusion, fruits and vegetables are essential parts of a balanced diet. They provide vitamins and minerals that help keep your pet's immune system strong, which means they are less prone to illness. Studies show that dogs who eat their daily recommended amount of fruit and veggies tend to live longer than those who don't. The amount of vegetables your dog consumes will depend on its activity level, age, breed, health issues, and veterinarian recommendation. What kinds of vegetables do your dogs enjoy?

Changing The Way Dogs Eat for Good!

As responsible pet parents, we know that you want to do everything to help. Living with a sick dog after a meal is no fun. Our two doggos, Marley and Belle, both like to eat fast! So we know exactly what it's like to live with a dog in pain and discomfort after eating.

We are introducing the Ultimate, Versatile 4-in-1 Slow Feeder Dog Bowl! We're excited this new slow feeder dog bowl combines modern design with innovative functionality. It's more than just a slow feeder. A slow feeder bowl that naturally slows your dog down at chow time, as well as a reversible lick mat so your pet can enjoy a variety of delicious foods like purees, stews, or wet food. An excellent bowl for easy delicious food prep and storage doubles as a dog-friendly travel bowl for your canine adventures.

Your dog will have a happier, healthier mealtime experience giving you peace of mind.
